Tympanoplasty Flag Knife Ent Instrumment
Product Description
Design: A Tympanoplasty Flag Knife typically features a thin, elongated, and curved blade with a handle at one end. The blade is designed to be delicate and sharp, allowing for precise and controlled dissection of tissues.
Use: The flag knife is used in the delicate and intricate surgical procedure of tympanoplasty, which involves repairing or reconstructing the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and often the middle ear ossicles (small bones responsible for transmitting sound). The knife is used to make precise incisions and manipulate tissues during the procedure.
Tympanic Membrane Repair: In tympanoplasty, the surgeon may use the flag knife to create an incision in the remaining portion of the damaged eardrum, carefully elevate and manipulate the tympanic membrane, and prepare it for grafting with tissue from another source (e.g., the patient’s own tissue or a graft material).
Package Weight : 500 gm
Package Dimension (Approx) : 23 x 16 x 9 cm
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